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Head Massage

Ayurvedic head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practiced in India for 5000+ years. It involves a variety of pressure techniques including circular massage strokes that focus on your head, shoulders, and neck regions.

These deep massage techniques, when used in conjunction with aromatic oils and Ayurvedic herbal formulations, improves your scalp and hair condition. It also stimulates the natural healing abilities of your body.

What is Shiroabhyanga?

Shiroabhyanga is the Sanskrit word for Ayurvedic head massage, meaning literally the application of oil (abhyanga) to the head (shiras). As the head is the seat of many important marma points which control the flow of prana (vital energy) throughout the body, Ayurvedic head massage is a very effective therapeutic tool to induce healing and relaxation. While nothing can compare to the therapeutic massage you can receive from an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner, self-massage of the head and scalp can also be a very beneficial part of one’s regular health and hygiene practice (dinacharya).

Ayurvedic head massage has a long history going back thousands of years. It finds mention in the ancient Ayurvedic text, the Charaka Samhita, in the fifth chapter of its first book, the Sutra Sthana:

Treatment Benefits

Blood Circulation
Prevent Infections
Improve the appearance
Improve Nail Health